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Why is my furnace blowing cold air?


Throughout the winter, your furnace runs nonstop to keep you and everyone in your household warm as the outside temperature drops. And it's safe to say that your everyday routine could be significantly disrupted if your furnace is running but only producing cold air. So, why do you feel cold air coming from your furnace in the first place? To find out, join the team from Haven Home Heating and Air Conditioning as we outline the root causes of this common furnace problem so you can have a better idea about what you may be dealing with.  

Why is cold air blowing when the heat is on?

In truth, there are numerous reasons why your furnace is blowing out cold air. Let’s take a closer look at some of these causes below:

·  Thermostat settings: An incorrect thermostat setting could lead to a malfunctioning heating system. Ensure that your preferred temperature and heating mode are selected on the thermometer. It could also be caused by low batteries in the thermostat that need changing. 

·  Clogged air filter: A dirty or congested air filter may affect the flow of air, which lowers the heating system's performance.

·  Problems with the pilot light or ignition: When a gas furnace's pilot light or ignition system malfunctions, the furnace may not be able to generate heat.

·  Closed or blocked registers and vents: These can prevent warm air from being distributed properly. Make sure there are no obstacles blocking the openings of any vents.

·  Problems with the ductwork: Heat loss may occur from leaks or obstructions in the ductwork before warm air enters the living areas.

·  Malfunctioning parts: Ineffective heat transfer may be caused by dirt buildup on heating elements or broken parts.

The best thing you can do if your home's furnace is blowing cold air is to call a repair technician as soon as you notice something wrong, as it can help you prevent further damage from happening.

Should I turn my furnace off if it's blowing cold air?

 Yes, if your furnace is producing cold air when it should be generating heat, you should switch it off until the issue is resolved. Let's look at why in more detail below: 

·  Risks to safety: Using a damaged furnace can be hazardous. Issues such as an electrical malfunction or an improperly igniting gas furnace can pose risks to your health and safety.

·  Stop further damage: By shutting off the furnace, you can prevent any possible harm that might result from the system continuing to operate incorrectly. It also prevents the existing furnace from worsening into something more serious. 

·  Efficiency of energy: A furnace that is blowing cold air is not making the most use of its energy, which could lead to energy waste without producing the required heating effect.

·  Preventing unnecessary costs: If a damaged furnace is left on, more involved and costly repairs may be necessary. You can stop further damage from happening by turning it off and getting professional assistance.

 Consult an experienced HVAC professional for guidance on locating and fixing the problem after you've turned off the furnace. Fixing complex furnace issues without the necessary understanding could lead to more issues or safety hazards that put you at risk. 

Why is my furnace blowing cold air with a foul smell? 

A furnace that smells bad and releases chilly air can be a serious problem that could be a sign of several other issues. Here are a few potential causes:

·  Gas leaks: If you smell something bad, like rotten eggs, there could be a gas leak. In the event that you believe there is a gas leak, shut off the furnace right away, evacuate the area, and call emergency personnel.

·  Burnt dust: After a furnace has been inactive for some time, it is usual to smell burnt dust. When the furnace is turned on, the dust that has accumulated on the heat exchanger burns off, leaving behind a momentary smell which will go away on its own.

·  Clogged air filter: Smells might result from poor combustion caused by a filthy or blocked air filter that needs to be changed.

·  Mould growth: Odors emanating from the ductwork or furnace components may be caused by mould, mildew, or other contaminants which require professional duct cleaning.

 Regardless of the type of smell you may be experiencing, it’s best to reach out to a repair technician as soon as possible to have your equipment checked over and fixed quickly. 

Who should I call if my furnace is blowing cold air? 

If your furnace is blowing cold air, call a professional HVAC technician to assess and address the issue. HVAC technicians are trained and experienced in identifying and repairing heating systems. Here’s a closer look at what to do:

1. Turn off the furnace: In order to avoid other potential problems, it's a good idea to turn it off.

2. Speak with a qualified HVAC technician: Speak with a trustworthy HVAC expert or service company in your neighbourhood.

3. Explain the problem: Give the technician a detailed explanation of the issue when you get in touch with them. Add any other information you know, including odd noises, unpleasant smells, or any issues you may be experiencing. 

4. Schedule a repair: Lastly, schedule a repair as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring. In the meantime, put on extra clothing for warmth and consider turning on a space heater or fireplace to keep you and your family warm as you wait for a technician to arrive.

 Is your furnace blowing cold air? If so, book a repair appointment with the Haven Home Heating and Air Conditioning team as soon as possible. Our team proudly operates throughout Kingston, Brockville, Arden, Odessa, Prince Edward County, Hartington, and the surrounding areas.

 Haven Home is available for all repair and maintenance appointments 24/7/365 days a year, including after-hours, weekends, and holidays, at no extra cost. Book with us over the phone or use our online scheduling form.
